HARGA PASARAN RM450 KE 500 KINI CUMA RM 360 SAHAJA Sekali Dgn Perkhidmatan Perhantaran
1 X In car charger
1 X GPS Holder/Bracket and in car mounting kit
1 X in home/traveller charger
1 X USB cable ( The only GPS support USB2.0)
1 X Stylus
1 X 3.5mm earphone
Briefings and interviews beginning apprentices Graduate Programme for New Fresh Graduate to involved the Business under company Perbadanan Nasional Berhad (PUNB)
Begin your first step to become entrepreneurs through Graduate Apprentice PUNB. As well, organization will apprentices anybody involve this programme will be given a subsistence allowance of RM800.00 per month in the first 3 months and the months to RM1000.00-4 and continue until the completion of the training (6 months - 12 months) at the Graduate Apprentice Program depends on the business.
Qualifying conditions: -
1. Bumiputera ( Female or Male) holds a Degree, Diploma or any Certificate of Skills not either SPM(of the recognized institutions of government or Swasta , condition have JPA or MQA Approve on your education study
2. Under 30 years old
3. To be an entrepreneur and looking for work or Interested to business
PUNB offers opportunities to apprentices who are interested and qualified to start a business with an initial capital through a loan up to RM50, 000.00 after the completion of the training loop.
Please meet us at the beginning of open briefings and interviews on: -
Please referring the PUNB Website
As well, supported document, please bringing this following document during interviews session
1. Copies of qualification certificates
2. 2 passport size photos
3. Copy of Identity Card
4. Payment of RM20 will be charged to those who sit for Entrepreneurship Compatibility Test
Johor Skills Development Centre or Pusat Pembangunan Tenaga Industri Johor
It is center to anybody or fresh graduated gain any skill or technical knowledge especialy in part factory business or computing. And then, using to PUSPATRI module it mostly focused on the Puspatri (Pusat Tenaga Industri Johor) The organization basically established in 1993 by Johor Corporation with the objective to provide technical training and skills upgrading to the industrial workforce.
PUSPATRI is one of the most established skills training centre in the state, which offers continuous training in various technical and technological based programmed to the industrial workforce, school leavers (SPM) and unemployed graduated to upgrade their skills. Further Information, Please visit on their website at http://www.puspatri.edu.my/
This following is an short list of the any course from PUSPATRI organization, further information, please visit on company website, to more Info
Short Course
Industrial Automation
Industrial Electronic
calibration and Instrumention Technology
AutoCAD and MasterCAM
Information Technology
CNC Machining
Industrial Enegineering/OSHA
Plastic Technology
Wedding Technology
Maintence Technology
Soft Skills
WTTP (Workforce Technical Transformation Programme)
Jurukimpal Arka Logam ( SKM 1 and 2)
Juruteknik Electrik (SKM 1 and 2)
Juruteknik Elektrik Kanan (SKM 3)
Electronik Industri ( SKM 1 and 2)
Pemesinan AM ( SKM 1 and 2)
Mekanik Industri ( SKM 1 and 2)
Pembangunan Applikasi (SKM 2 and 3)
INSEP ( Industri Skills Enhancement Programme)
Calibration and Instrumentation Technology
PCN-NDT Inspection
Engineering Operation and Maintenace
Vibration Technology and Maintenace Management
Steam Plant Operation Maintenance
Safety and Health Officer
PCN Welding Inspection
Painting and Corrosion Inspector
API Inspector