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Saturday, April 9, 2011

The An PUNB And Johor Skill Development Programmed for New Fresh Graduate or Unemployed , GPS ( NEWEST LESS PROMOTION PRODUCT)

HARGA PASARAN RM450 KE 500 KINI CUMA RM 360 SAHAJA Sekali Dgn Perkhidmatan Perhantaran



1 X In car charger
1 X GPS Holder/Bracket and in car mounting kit
1 X in home/traveller charger
1 X USB cable ( The only GPS support USB2.0)
1 X Stylus
1 X 3.5mm earphone

Briefings and interviews beginning apprentices Graduate Programme for New Fresh Graduate to involved the Business under company Perbadanan Nasional Berhad (PUNB)

Begin your first step to become entrepreneurs through Graduate Apprentice PUNB. As well, organization will apprentices anybody involve this programme will be given a subsistence allowance of RM800.00 per month in the first 3 months and the months to RM1000.00-4 and continue until the completion of the training (6 months - 12 months) at the Graduate Apprentice Program depends on the business.

Qualifying conditions: -

1. Bumiputera ( Female or Male) holds a Degree, Diploma or any Certificate of Skills not either SPM(of the recognized institutions of government or Swasta , condition have JPA or MQA Approve on your education study

2. Under 30 years old

3. To be an entrepreneur and looking for work or Interested to business

PUNB offers opportunities to apprentices who are interested and qualified to start a business with an initial capital through a loan up to RM50, 000.00 after the completion of the training loop.

Please meet us at the beginning of open briefings and interviews on: -
Please referring the PUNB Website

As well, supported document, please bringing this following document during interviews session

1. Copies of qualification certificates
2. 2 passport size photos
3. Copy of Identity Card
4. Payment of RM20 will be charged to those who sit for Entrepreneurship Compatibility Test

Johor Skills Development Centre or Pusat Pembangunan Tenaga Industri Johor

It is center to anybody or fresh graduated gain any skill or technical knowledge especialy in part factory business or computing. And then, using to PUSPATRI module it mostly focused on the Puspatri (Pusat Tenaga Industri Johor) The organization basically established in 1993 by Johor Corporation with the objective to provide technical training and skills upgrading to the industrial workforce.

PUSPATRI is one of the most established skills training centre in the state, which offers continuous training in various technical and technological based programmed to the industrial workforce, school leavers (SPM) and unemployed graduated to upgrade their skills. Further Information, Please visit on their website at

This following is an short list of the any course from PUSPATRI organization, further information, please visit on company website, to more Info

Short Course

Industrial Automation
Industrial Electronic
calibration and Instrumention Technology
AutoCAD and MasterCAM
Information Technology
CNC Machining
Industrial Enegineering/OSHA
Plastic Technology
Wedding Technology
Maintence Technology
Soft Skills

WTTP (Workforce Technical Transformation Programme)
Jurukimpal Arka Logam ( SKM 1 and 2)
Juruteknik Electrik (SKM 1 and 2)
Juruteknik Elektrik Kanan (SKM 3)
Electronik Industri ( SKM 1 and 2)
Pemesinan AM ( SKM 1 and 2)
Mekanik Industri ( SKM 1 and 2)
Pembangunan Applikasi (SKM 2 and 3)

INSEP ( Industri Skills Enhancement Programme)

Calibration and Instrumentation Technology
PCN-NDT Inspection
Engineering Operation and Maintenace
Vibration Technology and Maintenace Management
Steam Plant Operation Maintenance
Safety and Health Officer
PCN Welding Inspection
Painting and Corrosion Inspector
API Inspector

Tuesday, March 15, 2011




Pihak penulis berusaha sedaya-upaya memastikan ebook yang diterbitkan ini
mengandungi maklumat yang tepat dan berautoriti dari segi subjek/topik yang
dibincangkan. Penulis ebook ini tidak boleh dianggap memberikan khidmat
perundangan, perkanunan dan profesional yang lain kepada pembaca. Sekiranya
nasihat pakar atau bantuan diperlukan, sila dapatkan khidmat dan nasihat
profesional daripada pakar yang berkelayakan dan diiktiraf. Panduan ringkas ini
hanya berupa maklumat atau info asas kepada para individu/organisasi yang
ingin mendapatkan serba sedikit maklumat berkenaan hak-hak dan
keistimewaan sebagai pekerja. Segala maklumat diperoleh dari sumber rujukkan
yang dipercayai dan sahih iaitu MTUC ( Malaysian Trade Union Congress ),
NAMM ( Networks of Action for Migrants in Malaysia ), Lawyerment ( Malaysia
Online Legal Resources ) dan buku-buku mengenai akta-akta pekerja seperti
Employment Act 1955, Industrial Relation Act 1967 dan Trade Union Act 1959.

Pada hari ini, dengan kesedaran dikalangan rakyat yang makin tinggi,
pendedahan pihak media semakin meluas keberanian dan ketegasan pihak
kerajaan dan badan bukan kerajaan ( NGO ) menyaksikan nasib pekerja-pekerja
dinegara ini semakin terbela.

segala data dan maklumat daripada saya cuma berkongsi sahaja kepada anda sekalian, Terima kasih.

Pelabagai dasar, undang-undang dan akta digubal demi menjamin hak-hak dan
keistimewaan pekerja sentiasa dibela. Setiap pekerja memiliki hak-hak
keistimewaan tersendiri dan mampu menikmati kesenangan menerusi kuasa
yang diterima.

Menyentuh mengenai keistimewaan yang diperoleh oleh para pekerja, masih
ramai lagi yang belum mengetahui sejauh manakah pekerja-pekerja di Malaysia
mendapat hak pembelaannya.

Hubungan antara pekerja dan majikan adalah dilindungi dibawah Akta Pekerja
1955 ( Employment Act 1955 ). Akta ini secara amnya meliputi dan melindungi
hak-hak pekerja didalam hubungan pekerjaan. Ianya menyediakan faedah-
faedah minimum dan hak-hak pekerja seperti had masa bekerja, bilangan hari
cuti tahunan dan cuti am, minimum kerja lebih masa, bilangan hari cuti sakit,
hospital, cuti bersalin dan sebagainya.

Setiap pekerja seharusnya mempelajari dan mengetahui kandungan-kandungan
Akta ini dan tidak ragu-ragu untuk mengingatkan majikan dan jika perlu
mengambil tindakkan terhadap majikan-majikan yang gagal mematuhi segala
perincian yang terkandung dalam undang-undang dan peraturan-peraturan yang
telah ditetapkan.

Dibawah ini adalah susunan seksyen-seksyen yang terkandung di dalam Akta
Kerja 1955 berkenaan hubungan pekerja dan majikan yang seringkali menjadi
isu dikalangan pekerja-pekerja.


1. Kontrak Perkhidmatan
2. Pembayaran Upah ( Gaji )
3. Potongan-potongan daripada Upah ( Gaji )
4. Berkaitan dengan sistem membayar upah ( Gaji ) dengan barang
5. Keutamaan upah ( Gaji )
6. Kontraktor dan Prinsipal
7. Mengambil bekerja Wanita
8. Perlindungan Bersalin
9. Mengambil Kanak-kanak dan Orang Muda
10. Kakitangan Domestik
11. Hari rehat, Tempoh Masa Kerja, Hari Kelepasan, dan lain-lain syarat
12. Faedah-faedah Penamatan, Rentikerja Sentara, dan Persaraan
13. Pengambilan kerja Pekerja Asing
14. Daftar, Penyata, dan Papan notis
15. Pemeriksaan
16. Pengadu dan siasatan
17. Prosedur
18. Kesalahan-kesalahan dan penalty-penalti
19. Peraturan-peraturan
20. Pemansuhan dan kecualian

Setiap seksyen diatas mempunyai pelbagai cabang dalam menghuraikan hak-
hak dan keistimewaan pekerja. Dibawah dibincangkan antara persoalan-
persoalan yang seringkali dibincangkan berkenaan pekerja dan majikan.

Antara soalan-soalan yang sering menjadi isu mengenai
hak pekerja.

Apakah golongan pekerja yang dilindungi di bawah Akta Kerja 1955?

Semua pekerja yang mendapat gaji tidak melebihi RM1,500.00 sebulan, dan
seseorang pekerja yang melakukan kerja tanpa mengira jumlah upah sebulan.
Selain itu, pekerja dengan Kontrak Perkhidmatan turut dilindungi di bawah akta
tersebut. Ini tidak bermakna jika anda berpendapatan melebihi RM1500
sebulan hak anda tidak dilindungi, anda tetap mempunyai hak-hak dan
keistimewaan tetapi ianya adalah dibawah akta-akta yang lain. Anda perlu
faham, setiap pekerja tidak hanya dilindungi oleh satu akta, tetapi pelbagai
akta, jika mereka adalah tergolong dalam akta tersebut. Ini bermakna anda
sebenarnya dilindungi oleh lebih dari satu akta.

Apakah definasi Kontrak Perkhidmatan?

Sebarang perjanjian (sama ada lisan atau bertulis dan sama ada dinyatakan
atau dibayangkan) di mana seseorang itu bersetuju untuk mengambil seseorang
yang lain bekerja dan pekerja itu pula bersetuju untuk berkhidmat kepada
majikannya sebagai seorang pekerja. Pekerja tersebut juga mempunyai hak
untuk mendapat dan menyimpan salinan Kontrak Perkhidmatan ini.

Adakah Buruh atau Pekerja Migran tergolong di dalam Akta Kerja 1955?

Ya. memang sama sekali, klu tidak, ada akta nie, suka hati mak bapak majikan nk lakukan apa sahaja, nie aku tlis sendiri

Apakah hak-hak pekerja yang terkandung dalam Akta Kerja 1955?

Berbagai jenis hak pekerja termasuk jumlah jam kerja maksima, kerja lebih
masa dan kadar pembayaran gaji, cuti am berbayar, cuti tahunan berbayar, cuti
sakit berbayar, gaji dan jenis potongan yang dibenarkan kepada majikan, cuti
bersalin dan lain-lain lagi.

Apabila seseorang pekerja sudah menandatangani kontrak dengan
majikan, adakah pekerja itu boleh terus berpegang kepada Akta Kerja

Ya, dia boleh. Jika hak yang terkandung dalam Akta Kerja adalah lebih baik daripada apa yang terkandung dalam Kontrak Perkhidmatan, pekerja berhak
mendapatkan hak sapertimana tercatat dalam Akta Kerja 1955. Jika hak
terkandung dalam Kontrak Perkhidmatan adalah lebih baik daripada apa yang
terkandung dalam Akta Kerja, pekerja berhak menuntuk hak yang lebih baik

sapertimana terkandung dalam Kontrak Perkhidmatan

Apakah definasi “ Waktu Kerja Biasa ” ?


“ Waktu Kerja Biasa ” ialah waktu kerja yang dipersetujui di antara majikan dan
pekerja dalam kontrak perkhidmatan sebagai waktu-waktu kerja biasa dalam
sehari. Waktu kerja biasa tersebut tidak boleh melebihi: 8 jam sehari tidak
termasuk waktu rehat; 5 jam bekerja berterusan tanpa rehat sekurang
kurangnya 30minit.

Pekerja mempunyai hak maksimum bekerja seminggu iaitu 48 jam. Atas
persetujuan bersama, pekerja boleh bekerja 9 jam sehari tetapi tidak boleh

melebihi 48 jam seminggu.

Apakah definasi „ kerja lebih masa ‟?

Kerja lebih masa bermakna bilangan jam kerja yang dilakukan melebihi masa
kerja normal dalam satu hari.

Berapakah kadar bayaran untuk kerja lebih masa?

Kadar bayaran kerja lebih masa hendaklah sekurang-kurangnya seperti berikut:
- Pada hari kerja biasa, 1 ½ kali kadar gaji sejam untuk hari biasa.
- Pada hari rehat, 1 ½ kali kadar gaji sejam untuk kerja hari rehat
- Pada cuti am, 1 ½ kali kadar gaji sejam untuk kerja pada cuti am.

Apakah ada had kepada bilangan jam seseorang pekerja untuk

dibenarkan bekerja lebih masa dalam satu bulan?

Seseorang pekerja tidak boleh bekerja lebih masa melebihi 104 jam dalam

Apakah wajib bagi kontrak perkhidmatan untuk menyatakan
tempoh gaji? Berapakah tempoh gaji yang sepatutn

Setiap kontrak perkhidmatan wajib menyatakan tempoh gaji yang tidak lebih
daripada satu bulan. Sekiranya kontrak tersebut tidak menyatakan tempoh gaji
tersebut, maka tempoh tersebut akan dikira sebagai sebulan.

Bilakah gaji harus dibayar kepada pekerja-pekerja?

Gaji pekerja perlulah dibayar tidak lewat dari hari ketujuh selepas tamat tempoh
gaji. Majikan juga boleh memohon untuk melanjutkan masa pembayaran gaji
daripada Ketua Pengarah Jabatan Buruh Semenanjung Malaysia.

Apakah potongan-potongan yang telah ditetapkan oleh undang-

Potongan yang dibenarkan adalah seperti Kumpulan Wang Simpanan Pekerja
(KWSP), dan sumbangan keselamatan sosial (SOCSO). Selain itu, Akta Kerja
juga membenarkan pemotongan untuk mendapatkan kembali gaji yang terlebih
dibayar sebelum tempoh 3 bulan, dan juga untuk mendapatkan kembali apa-apa
pendahuluan gaji yang telah diberikan, di mana jumlah tersebut tidak boleh
melebihi nilai gaji bagi satu bulan.

Berapakah jumlah potongan gaji yang dibenarkan oleh undang-

Jumlah maksima pomotongan gaji yang dibenarkan adalah jumlah yang tidak
melampaui separuh gaji yang harus diterima oleh pekerja bagi bulan tersebut
dimana, pekerja harus dibayar sekurang-kurangnya separuh daripada gajinya
untuk setiap bulan.

Bilakah gaji perlu dibayar kepada pekerja jika berlaku penamatan
kontrak perkhidmatan?

Gaji harus dibayar sebaik sahaja kontrak ditamatkan.

Apakah jenis pekerjaan yang dilarang wanita daripada
melakukannya sejajar dengan Akta?

Jenis pekerjaan di mana seseorang wanita dilarang melakukannya adalah seperti

i. Kerja bawah tanah;
ii.Bekerja di sektor perusahaan/pertanian di antara pukul 10.00 malam sehingga
5.00 pagi tanpa pengecualian daripada Ketua Pengarah Buruh.

Berapakah cuti rehat untuk seorang pekerja di bawah Akta ini?

Setiap pekerja adalah layak untuk mendapat cuti selama satu hari penuh untuk
setiap minggu.

Adakah tidak menjadi kesalahan dari segi undang-undang
keatas majikan untuk meminta pekerjanya datang bekerja pada hari

Seseorang pekerja boleh dikehendaki oleh majikannya untuk bekerja pada hari
rehatnya adalah seperti keadaan-keadaan berikut: kemalangan, sebenar atau
diancam dalam tempat kerjanya; kerja yang mana perlaksanaannya adalah
perlu kepada keselamatan masyarakat; kerja yang perlu bagi pertahanan atau
keselamatan Malaysia; kerja segera yang harus dilakukan ke atas jentera atau
loji; suatu gangguan kerja yang tidak mungkin dapat dijangka; kerja yang harus
dilakukan oleh pekerja-pekerja dalam mana-mana kegiatan perusahaan yang
perlu kepada ekonomi Malaysia atau mana-mana perkhidmatan perlu
sebagaimana yang ditakrifkan dalam Akta Perhubungan Perusahaan 1967

Bagaimanakah kadar bayaran kepada pekerja yang diminta untuk
bekerja pada cuti rehat?

Seseorang pekerja yang dikehendaki bekerja pada hari rehatnya hendaklah
dibayar bayaran satu hari tambahan gajinya atas kadar gaji biasanya. (iaitu 2
kali gaji hari kerja biasa)

Berapakah kelayakan cuti am bergaji pekerja dalam setahun?

Seseorang pekerja layak sekurang-kurangnya 10 hari cuti am bergaji dalam
setahun. Dimana, 10 Hari Cuti Am tersebut adalah Hari Pekerja (Mei 1), Hari
Kelahiran Yang Di Pertuan Agung, Hari Merdeka (Ogos 31), Hari Keputeraan
Sultan atau Hari Wilayah Persekutuan, dan 6 cuti am yang lain yang majikan
harus memutuskan dan memberitahu pekerja melalui notis pada permulaan
setiap tahun.

Bagaimanakah kadar bayaran kepada pekerja yang diminta bekerja
pada hari cuti tersebut?

Seseorang pekerja layak mendapat 2 hari gaji sebagai tambahan pada kadar
gaji biasa jika pekerja bekerja pada hari tersebut. (iaitu 3 kali gaji hari kerja

Berapa harikah kelayakan cuti tahunan bagi seseorang pekerja?

Bekerja kurang dari 2 tahun: - 8 hari setiap tahun
Lebih dari 2 tahun tetapi kurang dari 5 tahun - 12 hari bagi setiap tahun
5 tahun dan lebih - 16 hari bagi setiap tahun

Di mana seorang pekerja yang mengambil cuti tahunan berbayar, berhak untuk
cuti sakit berbayar atau mendapat cuti bersalin semasa dalam masa cuti
tahunan, dan cuti tahunan berbayar akan dianggap belum diambil untuk hari-
hari pekerja tersebut mengambil cuti sakit berbayar atau cuti bersalin.

Berapakah kelayakan cuti sakit seseorang pekerja dalam setahun?

Kelayakan cuti sakit bergaji setahun adalah:

Kurang dari 2 tahun perkhidmatan - 14 hari
Lebih dari 2 tahun tetapi kurang dari 5 tahun - 18 hari
5 tahun dan lebih - 22 hari

Di mana hospitalisi diperlukan sehingga 90 hari untuk cuti bersalin

Apakah keadaan yang menyebabkan pekerja tidak layak mendapat cuti sakit bergaji?

Pekerja tidak layak mendapat cuti sakit bergaji bagi tempoh di mana pekerja
berhak mendapat elaun bersalin atau menerima pampasan bagi ketidakupayaan
di bawah Akta Pampasan Pekerja 1952 atau Akta Keselamatan Sosial Pekerja

Apakah keadaan yang boleh menyebabkan pekerja tersebut
melanggar Kontrak Perkhidmatan?

Seorang pekerja dianggap melanggar kontrak perkhidmatannya apabila dia
berterusan tidak hadir kerja selama lebih daripada 2 hari bekerja berturut-turut
tanpa kebenaran daripada majikannya.

melainkan ia mempunyai alasan yang munasabah bagi ketidakhadhirannya itu,
dan telah memberitahu atau telah mencuba memberitahu majikannya tentang
alasan itu sebelum atau semasa awal ketidakhadhiran tersebut.

Di dalam keadaan apakah pula majikan dianggap melanggar
Kontrak Perkhidmatan?

Seorang majikan dianggap telah melanggar kontrak perkhidmatan apabila gagal
membayar gaji dalam tempoh tidak lewat daripada hari ketujuh selepas
jangkamasa upah yang sepatutnya diberikan oleh seseorang majikan kepada

Berhakkah bagi seorang majikan itu menamatkan kerja seorang
pekerja tempatan, dan kemudiannya mengambil seorang pekerja
migrant bekerja?

Tidak. Seorang majikan tidak boleh menamatkan kontrak perkhidmatan seorang
pekerja tempatan bagi tujuan untuk mengambil seorang pekerja migrant atau
pekerja asing.(seksyen 60M)

Bolehkah seorang majikan memberikan layanan berbeza kepada pekerja tempatan dan pekerja asing?

Tidakboleh, majikan hendaklah memberikan layanan yang sama kepada
pekerjanya tidak kiralah pekerjanya merupakan rakyat tempatan ataupun asing.
Jika pekerja tempatan mahupun asing merasakan wujudnya diskriminasi
terhadap mereka berkenaan keadaan kerja atau selainnya, mereka boleh

membuat aduan kepada Pejabat Buruh. (Seksyen 60L 28 ) Apabila berlaku pembuangan

kerja, siapakah yang akan mula-mula
dibuang kerja?

Biasanya, prinsip yang diguna pakai adalah pekerja yang akhir sekali diambil
masuk bekerja akan dibuang kerja terlebih dahulu. Tetapi, seksyen 60N Akta
Kerja 1955 menyatakan bahawa “Sekiranya majikan dikehendaki mengurangkan
tenaga kerjanya oleh sebab lebihan pekerja, maka majikan itu tidaklah boleh
menamatkan perkhidmatan pekerja tempatan melainkan jika dia telah terlebih
dahulu menamatkan perkhidmatan semua pekerja asing yang bekerja
dengannya dalam bidang tugas serupa dengan bidang tugas pekerja tempatan

Kami tidak setuju, dan menyatakan bahawa seksyen 60N ini bukan sahaja tidak
adil tetapi juga bercanggah dengan Perlembagaan Persekutuan Malaysia yang
menjamin kesamaan. Maka, seksyen 60N adalah tidak sah.

Apakah peraturan yang memperuntukkan kelayakan Faedah
Penamatan dan Rentikerja Sentara ( Termination and Lay-off benefits )
yang diliputi di bawah Akta ini?

Peraturan-peraturan Kerja (Faedah Penamatan dan Rentikerja Sentara), 1980

Tahukah anda.. lebih 15 akta khas telah digubal untuk melindungi golongan
pekerja di Malaysia. Jika anda merasakan anda tidak tergolong dalam sesuatu
akta, ternyata anda silap, sebaliknya anda masih mempunyai hak dan
keistimewaan sebagai pekerja dibawah pelbagai akta yang berlainan.
Kesimpulannya... setiap golongan pekerja di Malaysia, tidak kira kerajaan
mahupun swasta dan tidak terkecuali juga pekerja asing, semuanya dilindungi
dibawah akta-akta yang sentiasa memihak kepada anda.


Wisma MTUC,10-5, Jalan USJ 9/5T, 47620 Subang Jaya,Selangor.Tel:03-80242953,Fax: 03-80243225,

Thursday, December 30, 2010

How to Faster finding on the Job ( Job Faster Strategy)

How to Faster finding on the Job ( Job Faster Strategy)

Source from

According to most experts, the average job search takes about five months to complete. Five months is a long time to spend job searching, especially if you are currently out of work! Why does theaverage job search take this long? One of the primary reasons is because most job seekers are using the exact same job search strategies. Most of them are using what could be called the "wait and hope" strategy.

The wait and hope strategy is comprised of three primary steps.

1- Search for jobs which are being advertised

2- Submit a resume for selected jobs

3- WAIT AND HOPE for an interview

This is the primary strategy used because this is the way we were all taught to look for jobs.

A Better Job Search Strategy

Most people are not aware that only twenty percent of all vacant jobs are actually filled through advertising. This fact is a real eye opener for most people. If only twenty percent of jobs are filled through advertising, that leaves an overwhelming majority of eighty percent which are filled without advertising. If a job is not advertised, how is it ever filled? They are filled through the hidden job market!

What exactly is the hidden job market? These are the jobs that are hidden from public view. For the job seekers who only look for jobs through the classifieds or online advertising, they are completely left out of consideration for these jobs. Considering that eighty percent of jobs are filled this way, they miss out on the majority of jobs that are actually available. This is great news for the job seeker who is willing to learn how to tap into the hidden job market!

Five Easy Steps

You can tap into the hidden job market in five easy steps. Here is a short description of each step.

Step 1 - Develop A Target List Of Employers

The first thing you need to do is to develop a list of employers who have the type of job(s) you are interested in, in the locations you want, and are employers you would like to work for. I call this list of potential employers your job opportunity list. This list of potential employers can be very long, or quite short depending on your interests and needs.

Step 2- Do Some Research

Once you have your job opportunity list together, use the Internet to do a little research on each potential employer. Use the company's web site to read about the company, it's mission, it's products, any current news, and most importantly, find a company directory. Use the directory to find out who is the director or supervisor of the department you want to be hired into.

Step 3- Look For Advertised Jobs

No, I haven't changed my mind. Advertised jobs should not be your primary means of finding your next job, but you should still spend a little time and see what types of jobs are being advertised in your area. Pay special attention to jobs advertised by companies on your job opportunity list.

Step 4- Start Making Contacts

This is where you can start separating yourself from the competition. Most job seekers just won't make direct contact with potential employers. They are not comfortable applying for a job unless the potential employer has put up a big blinking sign (advertisement) that says, "We have a job opening, please send us your resume".

Make direct contact with the employers and let them know about you, your qualifications and experience, and your interest in working for their organization!

Step 5- Be Persistent And Follow Up

Once you are making contacts and sending out resumes, you must be determined to follow up. Just sending out a resume and hoping for aninterview won't get you hired faster than your competition. Have a consistent habit of following up with decision makers after a couple of days have passed. You are NOT being pushy by doing this, you are being persistent


As you can see, this is not rocket science, but it really does work. Tapping into the hidden job market will put you ahead of ninety-five percent of your job search competitors. Don't ever hesitate to make direct contact with employers. Employers like to use the hidden job market because it is much cheaper and faster to fill jobs this way.

Gary Hawkins is a Human Resources Specialist and entrepreneur. Find out more about his job search strategies and insider job information at []

Article Source:

More info and application -->

Friday, October 1, 2010

Tips for Sucess in Interviews Session and Application Letters

This following some tips, I keep from some of website, to share with everyone, to finding better job especially for fresh graduated, after finish study such diploma, certificated or Degree field, basically, the best students or good result no be sure can make a person to gain a good job, but it based on self ability and fated.

It t is important to be on time for an interview. It is best if you arrive about 15 minutes early. This will give you time to relax and fill out an application, if necessary. Dress appropriately, since the first impression is a lasting one.

Interview Tips:

1. Do some research on the business before the interview.
(See "How to Find a Job," "Research the Employer.")
2. Practice interviewing.
3. Go alone. Do not take children or friends.
4. Greet the employer with a handshake.
5. Make frequent eye contact.
6. Smile, be polite, and try to relax.
7. Listen carefully to the questions asked. Ask the interviewer to restate a
question if you are confused.
8. Answer questions as directly as possible.
9. Be upbeat and make positive statements.
10. If you've worked before, talk about what you learned from it.
11. Use examples of how your skills and abilities would fit the job.
12. Bring your "Fact Sheet" with telephone numbers and addresses of your references and former employers, just in case you are asked to complete an application. (See "The Application," "Fact Sheet.")

and then, this following is a part the familiar question, the interviewer can asked to your as interviewee, to achieve this job :

1. Tell me about yourself. (This is often an ice-breaker question. Keep the answer
job or skill related.)

2. What do you know about the type of work we do? (This is your chance to tell what
you know from the research you completed ahead of time.)

3. What is your weakness? (Always make this a positive answer. For example, "My
spelling is not always perfect, so I always use a spell checker.")

4. What are your strengths? (Describe your skills in a way that will show you as
a desirable employee for the company.)

5. Why did you leave your last job? ( Answer with a positive statement. Try not to

say: "I was fired," "terminated," "quit," "had no babysitter," or "couldn't get
along with coworkers or supervisor". However, you can say: "new job," "contract
ended," "seasonal," "temporary," "career change," "returned to school," to raise
a family," or "relocated.")

6. Why have you been unemployed for such a long time? (Tell the truth. Emphasize
that you were looking for a good company where you can settle and make a

7. Why should we hire you? (Make a positive statement, such as "I would like the
opportunity to work with you and believe that I can do the work.")

8. Do you have references? (It is most important that you contact your references
ahead of time and have their name, current address, and telephone numbers.)

the good person during in interview, he/she/anyone, must be alerted to asked any question to interviewer.

At the end of the formal interview the employer will ask if you have any questions. The following are examples of acceptable questions to ask.

Questions To Ask The Employer:

1. Who would supervise me?
2. When are you going to make a hiring decision?
3. What are the opportunities for advancement?
4. What kind of training is provided or available?
5. Is there a dress code?


At the end of the interview:

* Thank the interviewers for their time.
* Request a business card.
* Shake hands in closing.
* Two or three days after the interview send a thank you note addressed to the

after finish during on interview, interviewee, write sample note to given at interviewer, as part, you is a professional person and having a good personality and skill, is called as Thank You Notes

Thank You Notes

After your interview, be sure to write a thank you note to the employer or interviewer. This is very important because a thank you note gives you one more chance to remind the employer about the special skills that you can bring to the company.

It is a good idea to request the interviewer's business card before leaving the interview. This will help when writing your thank you note to correctly spell the interviewer's name and job title.

Tips for thank you notes:

1. Neatly hand write or type the note.
2. Address the note to the interviewer or the lead interviewer.
3. Keep it short. (No longer than one page.)
4. First paragraph: Thank the employer for the interview. Also, mention that you
are interested in the position.
5. Second paragraph: Briefly state a few of your skills without repeating the
information on your resume word for word. Include any important information
not mentioned at the interview.
6. Third paragraph: Provide your contact information, telephone number with area
code, and an e-mail address, if available.
7. Sign the note with your first and last name.
8. Proofread the note to check for spelling or grammar errors. Ask another person
to proofread the note.
9. Mail the note within two to three days after your interview.

Sample of Thank you Note

Mohd Khaikal Bin Mohd Musa
No 153, Jalan Dahlia 10
Taman Aman, Senia
81400 ,
Johor Darul Takzim
Email :

Sept 27, 2010

PLO, 222, Jalan Cyber 14,
Kawasan Perindustrian Senai IV,
81400 Senai, Johor

Dear Miss Eunice:

Thank you for the opportunity to interview with your company on July 23, 2010. I am very interested in as IT Specialist Support position we discussed.
My recent and before experience as a IT Computer Support position where I developed current computer Hardware and Software Skill has well prepared me for your organization company as position your given.. I enjoy the challenge this position and work in you organization. I am especially interested this job as position on IT Specialist as mean, in computer support and maintenance also have a maintain a CCTV Camera during on my practical duration, I would enjoy the opportunity to contribute to this position, and thank you so much given to me chance and taken me some of person to come up to attend this interviews session.

I look forward to hearing from you soon. If you need any additional information, feel free to contact me at 0177636058 or e-mail: Thank you again for your time.


Khaikal Musa


Application Letters,

It is most important document or letters, the application letters is a letters to applied some of post position in the any sector government or private. It was a should be clear, concise and straight to the point. Here you are simply telling the employer that you are worth having a look at. and then, the application letters must be including to resume the end of letters to employers of company make should be known about detail of you education, background and experience or more about you before to telling you for attend interview session.

The application letter should be brief, no more than one page in length. It should be easy to read and flow through. It should include only the absolute necessary information. Like most other things, there is a formula that works extremely well for preparing job application letters. Following we discuss each paragraph and give you some guidelines.

This following is a sample of letters of Application Letters

Saturday, May 22, 2010





SENAI 81400


Date of birth : Feb 1, 1987
Age : 22
Place of Birth : Hospital Sultanah Aminah, Johor Baharu
Religious : Islam
Race : Malay
Marital Status : Single
Citizenship : Malaysian
E-Mail address :
Telephone : 0177636058 (HP) / 075989829 (H)
License : Possess a valid Malaysian Driving License for car


My goal is to obtain an International Business. And Scope of my educational is a Business in Information Technology and I have to experience in the Information Technology (Hardware and Software) So I have Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Business Information Technology With International Business 3+0 From Kolej Poly Tech Mara (KPTM) collaborated with Coventry University, UK., and I have a Diploma certificate in Information Technology from Kolej Poly Tech Mara Batu Pahat. I also well presented, hard working and influential, and the program prepare to career in business or IT, recognizing that the business in the work. And more, I obtain a challenging employment in any field available that offers the opportunity to contribute and expand my knowledge to Business and IT (Software and Hardware)


Any position that utilizes my experience and knowledge as a graduate in the field Bachelors Degree’s of Science (Hons) in Business Information Technology with International Business 3+0 KPTM Collaboration with Coventry University, UK And Diploma Information And Technology ( Software) Also Computer Assistant Technician (Hardware ). And then, I have both experiences according business management and Information technology knowledge. Otherwise, I will increase any skill according the culture of organization environment since business or IT in any sector such as private or government. Moreover, position applied, I will involve any post in the Information Technology or Business.



Highest Educations

Education Date: 12 July 2008 - 31 April 2010

BSc (Hons) of Business Information Technology with International Business 3+0 in KPTM Collaboration with Coventry University, UK

AVERAGED: 57 And Above

Field of Study : Business Information Technology with International Business 3+0
Major : Business Information Technology
Institute : Kolej Poly-Tech MARA (Kuala Lumpur) (KPTM)
Collaboration University Coventry United Kingdom
Location : Cheras, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Related Course:

Group Project, Management and Organizational Behaviour, Academic English for Business Writing Level I, Introduction to Research Methods, Database System, Systems and Connectivity, Introduction to World Business and Trade, Business Information Management Strategy, Project Management, Project (Develop Individual Project as Final Year Project), Digital Technology and Society (Computer Society and Law) International Business, Volunteering In the Community (Public Voluntary Service)

Second Highest Educations

Education Date: 07 July 2005 – 31 April 2008

Diploma Information Technology (DIT)

CGPA : 2. 58

Field of Study : Information and Technology
Major : IT/ Computer – Software
Institute : Kolej Poly-Tech MARA (Batu Pahat)
Location : Batu Pahat, Johor, Malaysia

Related Course:

Mathematics 1, Accounting, Bahasa Kebanggsaan, Basic Computer Architecture, Computing Mathematics, Communication Skill 1, Introduction To Bussiness Organization, Pengajian Malaysia, Statistics , Communication Skill II, Mathematics II, Communication III, Pengajian Malaysia, Co – Curiculum. Introduction To Information Technology, Programming Language I, Programming Language II, System Analysis And Design, Internet Programming, Industrial Placement ,E-Commerce, Database Concept, Computer Organization, Data Structure, Programming in Visual Basic.Net, System Software, Object Oriented Programming, Multimedia Authoring Tools and Design.


Duration : 25 November 2007 Until 1 Dismember 2007
Place : Kolej Poly Tech MARA Batu Pahat

1. The Personal of Computer Maintenance
2. The Theory of Computer Networking Technology
3. Web Design Using PHP also Web Development


Third Highest Educations

Education Date: 01 January 2005 - 30 Jun 2005

Certificate of Computer Assistant Technician

Field of Study : Technical of Computer
Major : IT/ Computer – Hardware
Institute : Giatmara Batu Pahat
Location : Batu Pahat, Johor, Malaysia

Related Course:

Introduction to Computer, Introduction to Software Application (Microsoft Office), Introduction for PCs Hardware, Software Installation, Introduction of Diagnostic and Virus, Perform Repairing Maintenance Computer, Assemble and Upgrade PCs, Introduction to Networking and Computer Formatting Skills and Developing of Web Page.


Fourth Highest Educations

Education Date: 12 February 2003 - 31 December 2004

Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM)

Field of Study : Business Study (SPM)
Major : Business Study
Institute : Sekolah Menengah Teknik Kluang
Location : Kluang Johor, Malaysia

Related Course:


Bahasa Melayu 4B
Bahasa English 8E
Pendidikan Islam 3B
Sejarah 5C
Matematik 6C
Sains 3B
Perdagangan 6C
Prinsip Perakaunan 6C


Fifth Highest Educations

Education Date: 05 January 2000 - 31 November 2002

Penilaian Menengah Rendah (PMR)

Institute : Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Senai Kulai (SMK Senai )
Location : Senai Kulai, Johor,

Related Course:

Bahasa Melayu B
Pendidikan Islam B
Sejarah B
Sains B
Geografi B
Matematik C
Bahasa English D
Hidup Bersepadu
Pilihan III A


Company Name : Senai Airport Terminal Services Sdn Bhd
Position Title : Technical Support (Computer Assistant Technician)
Position Level : Training Student - For Diploma Level (Junior Executive)
Specialization : IT/Computer – Hardware and Software

Responsibilities / Duties:

• Responsible for repair and maintenances computer
• To provide & Repair hardware & Software support for PC and Network
• Inventory ICT Equipment List
• Check & Maintenance Plasma TV and FIDS Plasma.
• Supervise and monitor contractor & vendor
• Create User & Password for wireless connection
• Maintain several systems (SITA, CWorks )
• Supervise, Repair and Maintain of CCTV Camera in Senai Airport Terminal Services
• Daily morning check Core Switch Room & Datacenter Room.
• Report To Telekom if Leased Line, ISDN and Streamyx Down
• Responsible to Manage Inventory of ICT equipment.
• To support necessary hardware for the support of the networking in the company
• Assist in diagnosing and trouble-shooting
• Perform trouble-shooting client networking problem
• To handling the installation, configuration & upgrading of network cabling
• To handling the installation and configuration new computer for new staff.
• Produce daily, weekly and monthly report to Superior
• Office Procurement ( Managed Office Document and Documentation)

Date Joined : 2 Jan 2008 Date Left: 22 March 2008

Work Description

Scope of work as training student Senai Airport Terminal Services in ICT Department provided computer resources related peripherals and PC Maintenance for Office in Terminal and Cargo Warehouse also to networking & LAN, monitoring and maintaining anti virus software and update to computer. And then, sometime, I need to supervise to some project monitoring example CCTV Camera, Installation Network Cabling and Others. Otherwise, I will be Maintain to Operating System Software or Application Software in Senai Airport Terminal Services Organization. Moreover, I as the training students has been develop on my ability to managed office work in organization specified ICT Department.

Reason for leaving: Practical Training (To search for better prospect; to experience new working Environment)

Package Salary: RM 300 by Month (Paid in Check)


- Proficient Installation of Operating System (98, ME, XP, 2000 and 2003)
- Computer hardware and software formatting and installation skills
- Operating System Server ( 2000 & 2003 )
- Operating System (Linux 7-9 version , Centos)
- Proficient Microsoft Office Professional Package 97, XP, 2000, 2003
- Proficient Ms Front Page (Develop of Webpage)
- Ms Project 2000 & 2003 (CPM)
- Ms Visio Professional
- Scala (Flight Information Display System)
- SITA ( For Communication between Airport with another Airport)
- CWORKS (System for Technical Department)
- Indigo Vision Control Center (Software for CCTV)
- Development of Multimedia ( Flash MX, Macromedia Director, Dreamweaver MX)
- Adobe Photoshop 7 and CS
- Web Development: HTML, JavaScript


Certificate from Pertahanan Awam Malaysia
- 08 May 2007 until 21 July 2007

Hand Phone Workshop Certificate (Giatmara Batu Pahat)
- 19 March 2005

Malaysian English Test Seminar (MUET)
25 September 2007 - 25 October 2007

Pidato Participate competition at Karnival Kreativiti Minjaroes KPTM 2006
- 26 until 28 August 2006

Participate to Seminar Keusahawan Kerjaya Pilihan
- 29 November 2007

Participate to Seminar Keusahawan Peringkat Negeri Johor
- 26 May 2006

Participate to Ibu Pejabat Polis Daerah Kluang, Johor Program, Latihan Menembak Rifle M16
- 14 And 15 Jun 2004

Participate to Sayang Disayang Program 2004 in Sekolah Menengah Teknik Kluang Johor
- 10 January – 16 January 2004

Certificate of Appreciation to Contribution Services in Sekolah Menengah Teknik Kluang ( Pengawas and Pengawas Perpustakaan )
- 2003 until 2004

Participate to Best Student Program In Sekolah Menengah Teknik Kluang
- 14 and 15 August 2004

Certificate of Appreciation to Jabatan Pendidikan Johor In Kursus Kepimpinan Ketua Pengawas Program.
- 6 until 9 September 2003

Certificate of Appreciation as Facilitator in Minggu Silaturahim Program
- 9 February until 15 February 2004


Certificate of Appreciation to Dean’s List Student with GPA 3.56 (April until June 2006) In Diploma Information Technology Program


1. Malay (Excellent in both speaking and writing).
2. English (Average in both speaking and writing).


1. Administrative Skills
2. Ability to work in a self-starter
3. Negotiation skills with other people
4. Ability to take on responsibilities
5. Beginner knowledge of IT
6. Manage to Office procedures
7. Marketing – I was involved to do research/telemarketing
8. Developing Theory to Website
9. Strong problem solving and analytical abilities
10.Able to effectively and efficiently multitask
11. Innovative


1. Maintenance Computer
2. Chatting
3. Planning
4. Design Of Multimedia Or Edit Picture
5. Searching new Information in Internet
6. Travel
7. Music, Movie & Sitcom Series


1. Beginner of listening & interpersonal skills
2. Excellent to team work in any environment situation.
3. Has been Experience in dealing with the public
4. Able to communicate with people of all ages


1. Commitment
2. Experience in dealing with the public
3. Friendly Workmates
4. Responsibility
5. Motivated
6. Creative and Innovative
7. Mass Communication
8. Full concentration in my career.
9. Independence
10. Can work with minimum supervision.
11.Willing to work outstation or beyond office hour


Reference or recommendation letter available upon request. I hereby declared all the information and data in this document is truth


) Director of Kolej Poly-Tech Mara Batu Pahat

Name : En Mohd Rusli Bin Abdul Wahab
Tel No : 03 - 92819700

2) Manager Giatmara Institute

Name : En Mejar (B) Mohd Jinal Bin Selamat
Tel No : 019 - 7612762

3) Senior Executive of ICT Department
Senai Airport Terminal Services

Name : En Raja Shaharin bin Raja Hashib
Tel No : 012 – 7885900

4) Junior Executive in Technical Support SATS

Name : En Azwafi Bin Abdul Wahab
Tel No : 012 - 7658956

5) Business Department Lecture Kolej Poly Tech Mara Kuala Lumpur

Name: Saburiah Binti Mamat
Tel No: 016- 3302513

Expected Salary: RM 1800 - 3000 (negotiable)

Application Letters

Mohd Khaikal Bin Mohd Musa

153 Jalan Dahlia 10

Taman Aman Senai 81400

Johor Darul Ta’zim

Sir/ Madam,


In the response to Any Suitable Position. I am a graduate student on Kolej Poly Tech Mara Kuala Lumpur (KPTM), working towards my degree’s program in Bsc (Hons) Business Information Technology with International Business. And I have to Diploma in Information and Technology also certificated as Assistant Technician Computer in Giatmara Batu Pahat. I am applying that position in your company with my qualification level. I have to experiences in Senai Airport Terminal Services as Technical Support and Division to ICT Department. I believe that my strong experience background in Information Technology And computer system and networking qualifies me for the position.

2. In April 2010, I fresh graduated in Kolej Poly Tech Mara Kuala Lumpur collaboration to University Coventry U.K in degree’s specific on Business and Information Technology Knowledge. And then, April 2008 I have to Diploma Information and Technology. Moreover, January until Jun 2005, I have learn about Computer System and Networking in Giatmara Batu Pahat. Otherwise, I have experience during 3 month’s using the Industrial Training, In Industrial Training specific job as repair computer, CCTV Camera maintaining and computer technical in Senai Airport Terminal Services, This Company give more new experiences in IT Technical Support environment and Business elements.

3. Moreover, In Degree’s Final Year Project I have to develop new project before graduated, it is Internet Marketing Strategy for Inai Kiara Services Enterprise. This project, I have create new marketing strategy to company using the IT/ IS element. Otherwise, I have IT programming knowledge such as VB.Net, Java Script and Website development (Internet Programming). Otherwise I have a good performance in mass communication, and now I still prepare to upgrade of my communication

4. Enclosed is my resume which further details my credentials and demonstrates that I have the characteristics that you seek.

I believed that with my experience and qualification that I can meet your requirement of your company. If you need any clarifications, please do not hesitate to contact me at this number: Mobile 017-7636058 or through my email:

Thank you, for your time and consideration.

Yours truly,

khaikal musa



Enclosure: Resume